Colic Surgery for A Special CEH Teaching Herd Horse

Side headshot of bay horse
Driftintwistin Smoke

Center for Equine Health Teaching Herd horse Driftintwistin Smoke, a 14-year-old Quarter Horse gelding, was prone to colic. Initially, medical management easily resolved the episodes. However, subsequent colics were harder to treat. The suspected cause was recurrent displacement of the large colon, a serious condition that  can quickly cause painful blockages that lead to colic.

Although UC Davis veterinarians were able to treat the colic episodes successfully, it was necessary to find a more permanent solution. Since his arrival in 2016, Driftin has been a vital part of the veterinary medicine teaching program, so equine surgeons at the UC Davis veterinary hospital (who all know and love him) were eager to come up with a way to improve his long-term quality of life.

Thanks to support from the Teaching Herd Support Fund, which enables care that goes beyond daily management and routine treatments, the surgery team was able to perform a procedure, called a colopexy, which attaches a portion of the intestines to the body wall to keep it in place. In addition to fixing Driftin’s condition, this surgery was an important and unique learning opportunity for veterinary students and residents.

Driftin came through the surgery with no complications and recovered well. He was restricted to stall rest for one month, with hand walks twice daily for 10 minutes. During this time, he was fed grass and hay pellets to give his gastrointestinal tract time to adjust. As his recovery progressed, he had access to a small run off his stall, and later to a larger paddock. He was able to return to his herd group three months after surgery.

Driftin’s friendly, willing personality makes him a favorite choice for teaching, research, and outreach efforts at the center. We are grateful to all of the veterinarians and staff that provided outstanding care for this special horse, giving him the best chance to continue to live a happy, healthy life at CEH.

Help us provide advanced care to horses like Driftin by giving to the Teaching Herd Support Fund today at