Director's Message
A Note from the Center for Equine Health Director Dr. Carrie Finno about the Fall 2021 Issue of the Horse Report.

Equine Neurologic Evaluation
A chart explaining clinical signs, potential causes, and diagnostic procedures.

Equine Neurologic Conditions
Neurologic issues can affect horses at any age, and clinical signs can result from infectious and non-infectious causes.

Neurologic Examination in the Horse
The steps in an equine neurologic examination.

Checking Under the Hood
The Role of Neurological Evaluations in Pre-purchase Examinations

10 Things You Might Not Know About Equine Neurology
Learn some interesting facts about equine neurology.

Equine Neurology at UC Davis
As one of the only clinics with a board-certified equine neurologist, UC Davis is proud to offer this unique expertise to our clients and referring veterinarians.