Director's Message - Fall 2022
A note from Center for Equine Health Director Dr. Carrie Finno about the Fall 2022 issue of the Horse Report.

Drs. Hales and Shaffer Honored With 2022 Wilson Award
Drs. Erin Hales and Sarah Shaffer are the recipients of the 2022 James M. Wilson Award. This award recognizes graduate students or UC Davis veterinary hospital residents who significantly advance equine health through publication of the year’s most outstanding research reports.

Guidelines for Horses Exposed to Wildfire Smoke
Unhealthy air containing wildfire smoke and particulates can build up in the respiratory system, causing a number of health problems. UC Davis equine specialists have offered these suggestions to serve as a general guide on the effects of horses breathing air laden with particulates.

From Tears to Cheers: The Realities of Working in Disaster Response
Dr. Lais Costa shares her experiences and thoughts ab out working in disaster response.

Should Horses Be Turned Loose If a Fire Is Rapidly Approaching?
Shelter in place includes the possibility of having to decide whether to turn horses loose if a fire changes speed or course and evacuation is no longer an option. Turning horses loose comes with a new set of risks to consider.

10 Things You Might Not Know About Horses and Wildfires
We worked with Dr. Lais Costa, MV, PhD, DACVIM-LA, DABVP-Equine, to highlight some important things you might not know about horses and wildfires.

UC Davis Veterinary Emergency Response Team (UCD VERT)
The Veterinary Emergency Response Team at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine is a volunteer organization of faculty and staff veterinarians, veterinary technicians and veterinary students that provides training on veterinary emergency and disaster response, as well as field veterinary services to animals injured during disasters.